Dirtdigger's Himeros - TarmoTricolor, broken coat
dob 16.12.2014
father Zeus Fioletowa Magia
mother Let's Rock Femme Fatale
Back :LTV4 (only 6 lumbar vertebra) VA1 (last ribs missing) NO SYMPTOMS He is doing FINE. (His both parents are also LTV4 (only 6 lumbar vetebra, I did not know that before puppies), both are doing fine. Hips B/C Elbows 0/0 Knees 0/0 eyes clear 12.5.2017 correct sissor bite no missing theeth MyDOG DNA :color at/at ARSCID (peittyvästi periytyvä puutteellinen immuniteetti) CLEAR Hyperurikosuria CLEAR Ivermektiini-yliherkkyys (MDR)1 CLEAR Lamellaarinen iktyoosi (LI) CLEAR PLL (Primäärinen linssiluksaatio) CLEAR Pahanlaatuinen hypertermia (MH) CLEAR 1year 3months ![]() At the age of 6 months
At the age of 8 weeks |
Kennel Dirtdigger's